Better Utah Position Key Support = Oppose =

Better Utah Position Bill

H.B. 127 - Victim Targeting Reporting

Requires the attorney general’s office to establish a hate crimes hotline for the reporting of “victim targeting offenses” that could then be referred to law enforcement agencies where the offenses occurred.

Passed in House Committee: Did not receive vote on House floor

Category: Equal Rights
Better Utah Position Bill

H.B. 131 - Vaccine Passport Prohibition

Creates a new “protected class” based on a person’s “immunity status,” such that public accomodations may not discriminate against people based on their immunity status or not having taken a vaccine; prohibits government and private businesses, with certain exceptions, from requiring proof of immunity or requiring vaccines.

Passed in House and Senate

Category: Strong Communities
Better Utah Position Bill

H.B. 182 - Local Health Department Order Amendments

Prohibits city mayors from exercising emergency powers in response to a pandemic or an epidemic.

Category: Strong Communities

H.B. 60 - Vaccine Passport Amendments

Prohibits government entities, employers, and places of public accomodation from discriminating on the basis of a person’s “immunity status,” except for in number of specific cases such public school vaccination requirements.

Category: Strong Communities

S.J.R 3 - Joint Resolution to Terminate Public Health Orders Pertaining to Face Coverings

Terminates public health orders requiring wearing of masks in Salt Lake County, Summit County, and Salt Lake City.

Notes: As a joint resolution, Governor’s signature is not required.

Category: Strong Communities
Better Utah Position Bill
Better Utah Position Bill

H.B. 101 - Distracted Driver Amendments

Updates Utah’s law prohibiting texting while driving to encompass common smartphone uses, with limited exceptions.

Category: Strong Communities
Better Utah Position Bill
Better Utah Position Bill