Find your Legislator's score

Use the tabs below to search for your legislator, a friend's legislator,
or search for keywords in bills that passed and see how Utah's legislators voted.
If you just want to see everything, view all the legislators or all of the bills .

  1. Legislator

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  2. Legislator

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We couldn't find your legislators for some reason. Sorry about that. You can look them up on the Utah Legislature's website.

You can find your legislators from the list here: All legislators

Use the field below to perform a quick, real-time search of legislators. Use names, chamber, or party to search. Results will update on the fly and provide a link to the legislator's page.

Use the field below to perform a quick, real-time search of bills. Use titles, keywords, bill numbers, sponsor's last name, or the year to search. Results will update on the fly and provide a link to the correct page where you can see how any legislator voted.