Better Utah Position Key Support = Oppose =

Better Utah Position Bill

H.B. 284 - Initiative Amendments

Contingent on the passage of H.J.R. 14, requires statewide initiatives that impose new taxes or increase tax rates to receive greater than 60% approval to pass; and requires statewide initiatives to include descriptions of how the proposed law will be funded, a description of new taxes or increased tax rates,a description of the amount and source of new revenues, and a description of existing line items or programs that will receive less funding in order to fund the proposed law and amount by which that funding will be reduced.

Passed in House; Passed in Senate Committee but died on Senate floor

H.B. 79 - Initiatives and Referenda Amendments

Modifies ballot initiative and referendum signature requirements to comply with the Americans for Disabilities Act.

Passed in House and Senate

H.J.R 14 - Proposal to Amend Utah Constitution - Statewide Initiatives

Proposes an amendment to the Utah Constitution to require that statewide ballot initiatives that propose new taxes or tax increases receive at least 60% approval to pass.

Passed in House; Passed in Senate Committee but died on Senate floor

Better Utah Position Bill
Better Utah Position Bill
Better Utah Position Bill
Better Utah Position Bill
Better Utah Position Bill
Better Utah Position Bill