Gun Violence Prevention
Better Utah Position Key Support = Oppose =
Better Utah Position | Bill |
H.B. 101 - Law Enforcement Reporting Requirements Requires law enforcement agencies provide annual reports to the State Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice on the number of firearms that were lawfully seized from restricted persons, the types of those firearms, information on where those firearms were obtained by the restricted person, and the reasons those individuals were restricted persons. Passed in House and Senate
Strong Communities
H.B. 119 - School Employee Firearm Possession Amendments Creates the “Educator-Protector Program” to incentivize school teachers to responsibly secure or carry firearms on school grounds by waiving liability for civil damages or penalties for harm caused by use of the firearm if they attend an annual free “classroom response training” on how to defend classrooms against active threats. Passed in House and Senate
Strong Communities
H.B. 305 - Firearm Data Amendments Requires law enforcement agencies to provide annual reports to the State Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice on the number of crimes reported to or investigated by the law enforcement agency in which a lost or stolen firearm was used in the commission of the crime, as well as the disposition of firearms in the law enforcement agency’s custody. Failed in House Committee
Strong Communities
H.B. 326 - Firearm Safety Incentives Creates a one-time nonrefundable income tax credit for the purchase of a firearm safety or storage device. Passed in House; Failed in Senate Committee
Strong Communities
H.B. 97 - Gun Safety Amendments Creates a five-day waiting period between the purchase and delivery of a firearm. Failed in House Committee
Strong Communities
H.B. 98 - Firearm Access Amendments Requires firearm owners to securely store firearms or render them inoperable with a locking device; imposes civil fines if the firearm is accessed by a restricted person, minor, or at-risk individual, or if they use the firearm in the commission of a crime or cause injury to someone else with the firearm. Failed in House Committee
Strong Communities
Better Utah Position | Bill |
H.B. 199 - Voluntary Firearm Safekeeping Amendments Prohibits returning a firearm that has been voluntarily committed for safekeeping to a law enforcement agency if the person is a restricted person or has been arrested for committing a domestic violence offense. Passed in House and Senate
Strong Communities
H.B. 219 - Firearms Regulations Declares that the state and its political subdivisions will not enforce federal laws that purport to restrict or ban certain firearms, ammunition, or firearms accessories, in violation of the supremacy clause of the United States Constitution. Passed in House and Senate
Strong Communities
H.B. 300 - Voluntary Firearm Restrictions Amendments Creates a voluntary firearm restricted list that allows an individual to request to be restricted from purchasing or possessing firearms indefinitely, which can be removed from the list 90 days after request, and allows an individual seeking to be placed on a voluntary firearm restricted list to direct the indivdiual’s health care provider to deliver the indivdiual’s form for inclusion on the list. Passed in House and Senate
Strong Communities
H.B. 354 - Firearm Access Amendments Requires firearms to be securely stored or rendered inoperable by a locking device and provides that if an at-risk person, restricted person, or a minor gains access to a firearm, the owner may be fined. Failed in House Committee
Strong Communities
H.B. 481 - Firearm Safety and Suicide Prevention Education Requirements Requires a school to provide suicide prevention materials and information, including information on firearm safety, to a parent of a child who has threatened suicide or has been involved in an incident of bullying or other abusive behavior. Passed in House and Senate
Strong Communities
H.B. 86 - Firearm Reporting Requirements Requires the Bureau of Criminal Identification to collect statistics on the source of firearms recovered from restricted persons. Passed in House; Passed in Senate on Second Reading but failed sine die
Strong Communities
S.B. 50 - Weapon Purchase Amendments Creates a waiting period of ten days between the purchase of an assault weapon from a dealer and the delivery of the assault weapon to the purchaser. Failed in Senate Committee
Strong Communities
Better Utah Position | Bill |
H.B. 133 - Expanded Background Checks for Firearm Transfers Requires individuals who are not federal firearms licensees to perform background checks when they sell or transfer firearms.
Strong Communities
S.B. 115 - Firearm Preemption Amendments Reaffirms the state’s complete preemption of firearm regulations over the authority of local government entities, including through contractors, except in the case of homeless shelters; and creates a private right of action for Utahns to sue state or local government entities they believe have violated the state’s preemption of firearm regulations.
Strong Communities
Better Utah Position | Bill |
H.B. 60 - Conceal Carry Firearms Amendments Removes the permit requirement for concealed carry.
Strong Communities
Better Utah Position | Bill |
H.B. 109 - Universal Background Checks for Firearm Purchasers Requires a background check for all gun sales, with limited exceptions.
Strong Communities
H.B. 115 - Dangerous Weapon Custodian Liability States that a gun owner can be civily liable for damage caused by someone else’s use of that firearm if it was negligently entrusted to that person
Strong Communities
H.B. 271 - Firearm Preemption Amendments Removes a local authority or state agency’s ability to regulate firearms in Utah if those regulations exceed those adopted by the Legislature
Strong Communities
Better Utah Position | Bill |
H.B. 114 - Self-Defense Amendments “Stand your ground” bill stating that an individual does not have a duty to retreat from an aggressor if possible to do so.
Strong Communities
H.B. 17 - Firearm Violence and Suicide Prevention Amendments Requires state to set up firearm safety literature and suicide prevention course; distribute cable locks; coupons toward gun safes
Strong Communities
Better Utah Position | Bill |