Better Utah Position Key Support = Oppose =

Better Utah Position Bill
Better Utah Position Bill

H.B. 29 - Mental Health Support and Law Enforcement Co-Response

Creates a grant program to fund appropriate response to individuals experiencing mental health crisis through new or expanded crisis intervention or mobile crisis outreach teams.

Passed in House; Passed in Senate on Second Reading but failed sine die

Category: Strong Communities

S.B. 101 - Peace Officer Training Modifications

Requires law enforcement training to include training on identifying, responding to, and reporting criminal offenses that are motivated by certain personal attributes, aka hate crimes.

Passed in Senate and House

Category: Strong Communities
Better Utah Position Bill

S.B. 126 - Officer Intervention and Reporting Amendments

Establishes minimum standards of police misconduct regarding use of excessive force, warrantless searches and seizures, and biased or discriminatory conduct; requires officers to intervene and report observed police misconduct; and prohibits retaliation against officers that report misconduct.

Category: Strong Communities
Better Utah Position Bill

H.B. 162 - Peace Officer Training

Requires annual police training to include modules on crisis intervention, mental health incidents, and de-escalation techniques.

Category: Strong Communities

H.B. 264 - Law Enforcement Weapons Use Amendments

Requires a police officer to file a report every time they point a weapon at someone.

Category: Strong Communities

H.B. 422 - Political Subdivision Civil Liability Amendments

Disincentivizes de-escalation by making local governments liable if they direct police officers not to protect private property or individuals during a civil disturbance.

Category: Strong Communities

H.B. 74 - Municipal Police Oversight

Removes current restrictions on the creation and authority of civilian police review boards.

Vote: Motion to table (A “yes” vote is a vote to stop the bill from moving forward.) 

Category: Strong Communities

H.B. 84 - Use of Force Reporting Requirements

Requires law enforcement agencies to compile data on use of force incidents by police officers.

Category: Strong Communities

S.B. 106 - Use of Force Revisions

Requires the state’s police certification agency to establish statewide minimum use of force standards.

Category: Strong Communities

S.B. 68 - Law Enforcement Weapons Amendments

Funds the purchase of technology and equipment for law enforcement agencies to assist in investigating officer shootings.

Category: Strong Communities
Better Utah Position Bill
Better Utah Position Bill
Better Utah Position Bill